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The unknown reality behind the OUIJA BOARD.

 1848 New York.

Two sisters who lived in Hainess Villa one day told their neighbor that they heard some noises in their house at night. The sound of applause and screams had put them to sleep. At first it was applause and screaming but then it started to interact with them. The ghost told them that his name was Charles B Rosan and that he had been killed years ago and buried under the house.

A subsequent home search revealed a headless skeleton. Knowing this, their parents moved them to the brothers' house.

They thought they were safe there. But after reaching the brothers' house, they began to interact with more souls. They soon became famous for interacting with spirits. The most remarkable thing is that most of the things that the spirits told them were true. But they have not been able to provide a scientific analysis of this.

This marked the beginning of a new culture called Spiritualism.

It became popular after the end of the American Civil War. This is because after the war, the bodies of those who did not have proper identification marks were buried without informing the relatives. Relatives of many who were confirmed dead were often unable to tell where their bodies were buried. Many of their captives began to approach such Spiritualists to talk to their loved ones who had died that day, and to find out where they were buried.

Another product is coming to market to take advantage of this situation. It had English letters on it. There were also a few numbers. Then a yes and a no at the top. Place a coin on top of the board and move the coin according to the name of the spirits. Then you can interact with the soul through this board. Many who tried to prove this to be false heard some noises during the experiment and were frightened. Many people feel unwell while trying it and have nosebleeds. All this increased the credibility of the board. Later, the board came to be known by another name.


We have heard a lot of frightening things about the Ouija board.

Let's read a few stories...

Story I

Justin, a young man, spent a day at his home on the Ouija Board with his friends. They asked many questions, but instead of Coin moving to a few letters, it began to move in a strange way. It went to all four corners of the board and made an X, the 32-year-old New Jersey resident of the group told Spirit. Then it went in circles and stopped. The next time Justin used the board, it was with another friend of his. Again the coin moved as it did the first time. He felt it was a kind of hex, and they continued. He fell asleep that night. In the middle of the night he felt a hand gripping his hand tightly and waking him up. Everyone else in the house was sound asleep.

Story II

Aby was playing Ouija board one day and that night she was alone in her room. As she was getting ready for bed, her computer screen suddenly turned on automatically. She turned it off and lay down. Again, the computer turned on again. Frightened, Aby turned off the computer completely and unplugged it. Then the unplugged computer turn on again. This process terrified her. That night she buried the Ouija Board outside her house.

Story III

Most people play Ouija Board as a group, or as a group of 2 people. But Ossiana wanted to play alone on his own. He put his hand on the Ouija board and started asking questions, but nothing happened. With no reaction he planned to quit the game, but suddenly the Coin began to move by herself and she took his hand and stopped the game.

Story IV

Vinse, 30. In his teenage, Vinse had a lot of friends, A friend in it took him to a dark room and persuaded him to play Ouija Board. Baby Vinse did not expect anything unusual to happen with playing with it, so he went with his friend to play. When they started playing, the lights started flashing, the air around them cooled, and a spirit began to communicate with them through the board. The spirit said a Russian name and claimed he had been killed.

What could have actually happened?

Can we communicate with spirits?

You need to know some facts about Ouija Board to know that. The Ouija Board works through a process called the Ideomotor effect.

So what is the Ideomotor effect?

Ideomotor effect is when our consumer mind operates our body without the consent of our conscious mind. In this state your body controls you without you knowing it. It does not work on a group of people. For example, it is less likely to work in people with psychiatric disorders or extreme materialism. Psychologists call them the non manipulate category. The subconscious mind puts conflicting images in front of us in similar situations, even if we only hear about them. Fearful people, or the manipulated category, fall into this. But non-manipulative people do not fall for this. This is what happens when you play Ouija Board. This has been proven many times over.

After all, some scientists organized a few people who believed in the Ouija Board. Then scientists ask them to play Ouija Board once. The result was exactly what they expected. Coin was shaking, and through it the spirits were interacting with them. But next time scientists played them in a different way.

At first they asked everyone to close their eyes. Then they started playing. This time the result was different. Coin was shaking but not a single word could fully communicate to the soul. No, their subconscious mind could not.

Have you tried Ouija Board?

If so, what was your result?

Leave your comment on this topic.

"Think, seek, and you will surely find the answer"


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